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Use stuck with in a sentence - Example Sentences for stuck with


Yamashita is stuck with no way out.

His wellthoughtout project was rejected and the books he worked really hard on aren't selling.

mcq I had imagined that the newbies fresh from university would probably be stuck with all the backstage work collecting reference material, getting copies and such but I couldn't have been proved more wrong.

stumbled across in a sentence .. keep in in a sentence .. English Collocations

The word stuck with

Example sentences with the stuck with, a sentence example for stuck with, and how to make stuck with in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for stuck with how do I use the word stuck with in a sentence? How do you spell stuck with in a sentence? spelling of stuck with

The word usage examples above have been gathered from various free and GNU sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of